CREDIT: James Tissot

Dear Easter People,


I just read an interesting, yet unsurprising, story about some sheep and their “shepherds” in Turkey. I say “shepherds” in quotes because that’s what they called themselves as they ignored their flock during their breakfast. The sheep without shepherds started following one another. Off a cliff. Falling 45-feet to their deaths – as the shepherds looked on in horror. Over 1,500 sheep followed each other off a cliff. Almost 500 of them died. Probably because they broke the falls for the other 1000.

These shepherds are clearly more like the hired hands Jesus speaks of when He calls Himself “the Good Shepherd” and compares Himself to “hired hands.” They were more concerned for their own well-being than the sheep’s – leading them near a dangerous cliff, ignoring them while they took care of feeding themselves.

Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” A good shepherd sacrifices himself for his sheep … giving up his own comfort to keep them safe from danger. And Jesus is THE Good Shepherd. He gave up more than His comfort, but His actual life for His sheep, including sheep that weren’t even in His flock!

Jesus laid down His life to bring all who are aimlessly wondering around in darkness and danger – including you and me – doomed to fall off a deadly cliff to their deaths because of their ignorance of God’s words of law (which show the sinfulness separating us from God forever) and His words of grace through faith in Jesus (which shows God’s desire to bring us back to Him through His merciful forgiveness).

Today Jesus has called us. We’ve heard His voice and followed Him. Now He uses us to call to others who are still not a part of His flock. Let us allow Him to use us to call to others through our words and works of love that they also become part of one flock under the Good Shepherd.


                                                                                        In the Love of our Risen Savior,

                                                                                                Pastor Jim