Information for Children and Church Nursery
Offered During Worship

Children are welcome in worship! If needed, nursery care is available at our 10:45am worship service.

Children's Message

During each Sunday worship service, a Children's Message related to the pastor's message for the day, is shared with young children.  See recorded Children's Messages under "Sermons & News".

Children's Worship Bags

Children are invited to take a 'worship bag' into the worship service with them. Worship bags include reading material appropriate for young children as well as some paper and crayons or a pencil.  These activity bags can assist parents in helping their children stay quiet  and focused during the service.

Church Nursery

The church nursery is regularly staffed during the 10:45 am worship service between the Children’s Message and Holy Communion. We ask that families bring their child(ren) forward for the message and a blessing during Communion.


Want to SERVE in 
Children's Ministry?


Susan Fogleman

Director of Youth and Christian Education
