Welcome to Little Lambs Preschool (LLPS), a ministry of First Lutheran Church.
At LLPS we serve two equally important missions: the Christian education of the congregation's children and the sharing of faith with children of the community.
We promote learning in a safe environment of love, acceptance, discovery and exploration. We recognize that children are alike in many ways, but also different from one another. We look forward to discovering your child's unique personality.
In keeping with its mission, Little Lambs Preschool welcomes equally the children of the congregation and the greater community. All are alike in God's eyes and in the minds of those who devote their lives to the development of Jesus' special ones.
Little Lambs Preschool admits children of any race, religion, color, national and ethnic origin. It does not discriminate on any of these bases in its educational policies, admissions policies, and other programs.
For more information contact our Director, Stephanie Mosely, at directorllps@firstlutheranchurch.org or (410)257-3530.
You can also contact us at littlelambs@firstlutheranchurch.org