Dear First Lutheran Family and Friends

Emmanuel! God with us!

We are in the season of Advent – a time of waiting. This time of year most normally think of waiting for the celebrations that accompany Christmas and New Year’s. Waiting for the celebrations that accompany the greeting of people we may not have seen in a while. And that kind of waiting isn't wrong. But ... Advent is really about a different kind of waiting! It's really about waiting for Jesus. 

We might think, "What are we waiting for?" because 2000 years ago, on the first Christmas, Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us came into the world in the flesh - fulfilling God's promises to us. And today, through His word and His sacraments, He is still with us. 

Now our Advent waiting turns to another promise from God. Now we wait, in patient hope and faith, for Jesus' return to bring us all into His eternal kingdom. 

The Season of Advent is characterized by waiting for the King of kings, the Lord of lords to return even as we remember His first coming in Bethlehem two millennia ago. The color of the season, “blue” – the color of the sky on a crystal-clear day – symbolizes our hope in Christ’s work on the cross to free us from the power of sin and death and His return from the heavens to earth to bring us into His New Creation. As Jesus ascended into heaven after His resurrection, two men in white robes remind us of this day saying, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:11) The season of Advent begins the new church year, running through the weeks leading up to Christmas, renewing our hope in God’s promises.

In this season of Advent, whenever you see the color blue and hear the word of God in the prophets of old and from Jesus Himself, give thanks to God for His faithful commitment to His promises. Rejoice in His promises – founded in His love for us – to restore peace between us and Him through the forgiveness of our sin. Then dwell firmly in those promises and the hope of life … now and in eternity … that we have through Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, God with us.

In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Jim


Sunday Morning:

8:00 am (Traditional)

10:45 am  (Contemporary)

Wednesday Evening:

6:30 pm  (Simple Worship)


Click the links above to attend worship via livestream. 

To view recordings of services, sermons, and Children's Messages on You Tube click here.

For the LIVESTREAM Passcode... 
Call 410-257-3030



Sunday Morning at 9:30am for all ages. 

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study can be attended via Zoom by clicking this link.

For Sunday Morning Children's, Confirmation, and Youth Sunday School information, please click here.

Additional Bible Studies held throughout the week. Click here for more details.



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Phone:  410-25-3030

Email: flc@firstlutheranchurch.org

6300 Southern Maryland Boulevard
Huntingtown, MD  20639

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"Five Hundred-Fifty Words or Less" - Pastor's Blog
