Worship Services, Sunday School and Dress Code

We have worship services on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. During these services you will hear God's Word proclaimed through readings and messages based on the entirety of God's Word found in the Old Testament, New Testament letters, and the Gospels. In addition, His Word is proclaimed through music. You will receive God's grace and mercy found in His assured promises of forgiveness of sins for all who believe in His Word. (1 John 1:8-9)

For more information about our services and other events, please click this link to see our newsletter 
First Notes located under the  SERMONS & NEWS tab above.

8:00 Worship Service

 Features the organ, hymns, in-person soloists instrumentalists, and liturgy from one of the Lutheran Service Book Divine Service Settings.

10:45  Worship Service

Features a more contemporary service led by a combination of recorded and live music accompanied by piano and other instrumentalists. The liturgy is less formal and music is a blend of newer music and traditional hymns with modern settings.

All services throughout the year are also livestreamed via Zoom. You can find the livestream link here. Or view recordings after services have completed via YouTube ... click here.

Wed. Evening Service  6:30 pm 

This service follows a simple liturgy with the previous Sunday's readings and sermon. 

Summer Worship Service 
June - August

During the Summer we have one Sunday service at 9:00 a.m. This worship service is a blended service of our traditional and contemporary services.

What should you wear?

There is no dress code for any of our services. You're welcome to wear what you feel comfortable wearing in the presence of God and His people. We've got jeans and t-shirts, dresses and suits, and everything in between. 

Sunday School Times    9:30 am to 10:30 pm

In-person Sunday School for children Pre-K-12th grade is offered from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Children's Sunday School is for young people aged 3 - 5th Grade. Confirmation is for Middle School aged students. Youth Bible Study is offered for post-Confirmation and High School students. Go to Christian Education for Children and Youth page to register. 

Adult Bible study classes are offered from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in-person or via Zoom
