CREDIT: Stoke Newington Library on FLICKR

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

There’s a first time for everything! I remember some of the firsts in my life. First day of school – intimidating. First time I drove a car – freeing. First time I preached – a bit nerve wracking. It was at Concordia Lutheran Church in St. Louis before a mix of Seminary professors and nice families all sitting there … waiting for me to proclaim God’s Word to them. 

In Luke 4 we witness one of Jesus’ firsts – His first sermon … in His hometown. Someone gave Him a scroll with the words of Isaiah on it. He read, 

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
  because he has anointed me
  to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
  and recovering of sight to the blind...” (Luke 4:18-19)

Then, He gave His sermon, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” (Luke 4:21) But, rather than shout “Amen! Attaboy Jesus!” His hometown was aghast! They’d seen Jesus grow up before their very eyes – a carpenter’s son. Nothing special. Words were fine, but for them, without proof of miracles, signs, and wonders, He was another false prophet! In fact, they were ready to ride Him out of town on the rails and run Him off a cliff. But Jesus, the Son of God, wouldn’t be deterred. Ironically, by means of a miracle, He simply passed through the angry crowd intent on murder. He went on about His work – proclaiming good news to the poor in spirit, freeing people from the captivity of sin, and opening eyes to see that salvation came only through Him to all people across the ages.

As we hear this gospel with 21st century ears, proclaimed in truth and light through His church on earth, our eyes are also opened as we hear His word – in worship services, bible studies and devotions, and our prayers. As we hear His Word, let’s also live in His presence each and every day of our lives and bring Him to others!

                                                                                        In Christ’s Love,

                                                                                        Pastor Jim