File:Mountain Goat Oreamnos Americnus (42270422).jpeg - Wikimedia Commons

CREDIT: Scott Nelson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

If you’ve ever seen mountain goats on a cliff, you’ve seen some of God’s most sure-footed creatures. There’s a story about two mountain goats meeting on a very narrow trail overlooking an extremely high cliff. As sure-footed as they are, one step to the left or right by either and they’d end up falling to their death. However, rather than butting heads to achieve dominance, one of the goats humbled himself before the other. He laid down as flat as possible, allowing the other to walk over him. Then he rose to continue his journey. His humility allowed both to resume their travels.

This vision of humility illustrates God’s call to His children, “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3) These words from Paul, urge Christians to remember their first loyalty is not to themselves but to God and then to the interests of others. (Philippians 2:4) It can be hard to have this mindset in the “dog eat dog” world where so many of our so-called “role-models” and “leaders” exemplify the exact opposite, “It’s my way or the highway!” 

But as Christians, disciples of Christ, we see a much different leader, don’t we? Imagine if Jesus was “in it to win it for Himself”. Where would that leave us? As God in the flesh, He could’ve lifted His mighty right hand and destroyed all His enemies in one fell swoop! All who had sinned against Him would be dashed to pieces by His divine power. But Jesus “made Himself nothing … humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death,” (Philippians 2:7-8) to save His enemies, all who’ve sinned against Him – including you and me – from eternal death.

As followers of Jesus in a crooked and twisted world, let us shine as lights in the world, humbly lowering ourselves to serve others that Christ’s love would shine brightly – guiding others to Christ and eternal life with us and all who believe in Him in God’s new creation.

                                                                        In Christ’s Love,

                                                                        Pastor Jim