Dear Body of Christ,

Spring training brings me back to baseball, the game that taught me about struggle, disappointment, and overcoming. I learned from my teammates and coaches alike. That’s the great thing about good teams – they pull together to help each other through the challenges. An example is the “Idiots” known as the 2004 Boston Red Sox who “cowboy’d up” to overcome adversity and win Boston’s first championship in 86 years. Many think it happened in October, but the tipping point came in late July 2004 when the Red Sox overcame a large deficit to win a game against their biggest rivals. 

It's called the Transfiguration; an event that’s the tipping point in Jesus’ ministry. Jesus had just told His disciples, for the first time, He would be killed and on the third day raised (Luke 9:22). Though Jesus knew what was coming, I can imagine – in His humanity – it was not an easy thing to say … let alone prepare to do.

In His moment of adversity, Jesus climbs a mountain to pray. There His Father showers His glory upon Him, transfiguring Him before Peter, James, and John. Then Moses and Elijah, the two greatest figures in Jewish scripture speak with Jesus about “His departure”. Then Jesus, energized by this team of His Father, Moses, and Elijah sets His face toward Jerusalem and His destiny with death on a cross to pay for the mankind’s sins.  (Luke 9:28-36)

Transfiguration Sunday is also a tipping point in the church year – leading us into Lent and our remembrance of Jesus’ journey to the cross on Good Friday. There He overcome the adversity of our sin by His death … and overcame the adversity of death by His resurrection three days later. Lent, like Spring Training in a way, is a time to focus on Jesus and His work for us … immersing ourselves in prayer and His Word more intently. Then, letting Him come alongside us to help us through the adversity we face as we journey toward our eternal destiny, life in His kingdom. 

                                                                                                        In Christ’s Love,

                                                                                                        Pastor Jim