Dear Friends in Christ,
Has anyone said to you, “You remind of …” Maybe it’s your looks, your character, something you did. But something about you reminds them of someone else. You aren’t that person, but you’re a reminder. As a result, you might even bring comfort to them.
Scripture is filled with reminders that God has always been living and active in His creation. Throughout the Old Testament we see many faithful people God uses to remind us of His grace and mercy in the midst of their worldly challenges. But these reminders point us to the ultimate display of God’s grace and mercy. These “reminders” are known as “types” – people whose actions and words point us to the “ultimate one” – Jesus Christ. As “types of Christ” they aren’t Jesus, but they show some of what Christ came to do for God’s creation.
An example of a “type of Christ” is Joseph, one of Jacob’s many sons we hear of in Genesis. Joseph was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers (who became the fathers of Israel’s Twelve Tribes). In slavery Joseph suffered false accusations and imprisonment. Despite suffering and abuse, Joseph remained faithful to God. Eventually he was freed from prison and became a ruler in Egypt where God blessed him with visions and wisdom to help Egypt, and in time, his brothers survive a worldwide famine and death. When His brothers came to him, Joseph – recognizing God’s hand in all that happened – forgave them their heinous betrayal. Joseph became Israel’s savior giving them food and welcoming them to live out their lives in Egypt. (Genesis 45:3-15) Sound familiar?
Joseph, a “type of Christ”, pointed Israel to, and should remind us of, the Savior – Jesus Christ. It is Jesus who assumed our slavery to sin. Who was faithful to His Father. Who suffered false accusations and died that we might be forgiven our sins. All to lead Joseph and all who believe in Him to dwell in the true Promised Land, the kingdom of heaven, and the eternal banquet never to hunger again.
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Jim